Tuesday, February 11, 2014

This site serves in loving memory of Samuel "Sol" Rosenberg. Sol was born on June 28, 1922 in Chicago to Alexander Rosenberg and Jennie Perlovitch, both from Russia.  Sol was the youngest of seven children. He was raised in Chicago except for two years during high school when he went with his family to live in Elkhart, Indiana.  Sol was active in the Boy Scouts as a youth and later became a Scout leader.  In 1944 he allowed his draft exemption to expire and elected to be drafted into the Army Air Force.  He was trained as an aircraft mechanic, engineer, and gunner.  As part of a ten man B-24 bomber crew based in Italy, he flew bombing missions over Germany until his aircraft was shot down over Austria on July 26, 1944.  He was one of  four members of the ten man crew who survived and was held as a prisoner of war at Stalag Luft IV in Germany until near the end of the war.

After the war he moved to Lousiville, Kentucky and worked in his brother Jack's small grocery store.  While working at that grocery store he met his wife and my mother, Rebecca (Becky), who sold wholesale groceries.  Sol and Becky were married on October 24, 1954.  My sister Harriet (who later changed her name to Jody) was born in 1953 during my mother’s first marriage. Son Charles (Charlie), that’s me, was born in 1957.  My mother, Becky, died in 1994.

Sol served an electrical apprenticeship at Bornstein Electric and later worked as an electrician at the L&N Railroad, Colgate Palmolive, and the General Electric Company. Sol moved to the Boston area (where I live) in 1997 and made many new friends at Goddard House assisted living.

A sympathy card sent by a group of high school students who visit seniors at Goddard House listed some of the many things they thought of when they thought of Sol: computers, Chinese food, teaching, young people, Bridge, fixing things, sing-a-longs, humor, helping others, t-shirts, telling stories, and saving things.  To that list I would add his strong support of civil rights, the labor movement, and social justice.

I am grateful to my father for so many things not the least of which is the love and support he always offered.